TV host: Honey Maid is ‘incurring the wrath’ of straight people by making pro-gay video

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A TV host has warned cracker manufacturer Honey Maid that they are ‘incurring the wrath’ of straight people by making a pro-gay viral video.

Earlier this week, Honey Maid responded to complaints about a pro-gay advert by printing out every negative comment, and rearranging them to spell the word ‘love’.

The video has since amassed over three million views.

Conservative TV host Steve Malzberg sneered at the company’s message on his show, saying: “That’s so wonderful, I’m all choked up… not really.

“If they’re looking to appeal to the 5 percent of the population that’s gay, good for them, but you do so possibly at the expense of some of the other 95 percent of the population and incurring their wrath.”

“I don’t know how wholesome it is, it’s a company decision and now they are going to have to live with it.

Honey Maid had faced harsh criticism from group One Million Moms over their original advert, which featured scenes of two gay fathers raising a child together

Watch the clip, via Right Wing Watch below:

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