David Cameron: I’m doing Jesus’s work and Christians are the most persecuted group

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On the same day he accepted Maria Miller’s resignation, Prime Minister David Cameron appeared to compare himself to Jesus.

Speaking last night at his Easter reception in Downing Street, Bloomberg reports Mr Cameron likened his Big Society policy of volunteering to that of Christ. “Jesus invented the Big Society 2,000 years ago; I just want to see more of it,” he said. “If there are things that are stopping you from doing more, think of me as a giant Dyno-Rod” to clear the drains.

He committed the government to fighting persecution of Christians abroad.

“It is the case that Christians are now the most persecuted religion around the world,” Mr Cameron said. “We should stand up against persecution of Christians and other faith groups wherever and whenever we can.”

On the day that saw Culture Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities Maria Miller resign over sustained fury about her expenses, Mr Cameron was said to have no comment on a singer’s choice of hymn: ‘Ave Maria’.

However, the PM admitted it had been a difficult day: “The Bible tells us to bear one another’s burdens. After the day I’ve had, I’m definitely looking for volunteers”, he said.

As part of Wednesday’s reshuffle, Nicky Morgan was appointed Financial Secretary to the Treasury and also Minister for Women.

The Tory MP voted against same-sex marriage last year, saying “marriage is between a man and a woman.”

As Minister for Women, Ms Morgan will report directly to Mr Cameron and not the new Equalities Secretary Sajid Javid.

Unlike Ms Morgan he voted in favour of same-sex marriage.

Labour’s Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities Gloria De Piero yesterday said Ms Morgan must represent all women, “regardless of sexuality”.

Shadow Leader of the House of Commons Angela Eagle went further on Thursday, saying “We have a Minister for Women who didn’t vote for same-sex marriage and we have a department for women and equalities which doesn’t appear to exist any more. Perhaps they should just come clean and rename it ‘the department for very low Tory priorities.’”

The joint ministerial portfolio of women and equalities was separated as part of the reshuffle.

Downing Street told PinkNews the departmental changes reflected David Cameron’s desire to take a greater interest in women’s policy across government.


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