Durex posts #EarthHour thank you featuring gay kiss following complaints over lack of same-sex couples

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DurexNewCondom company Durex has posted a thank you ad featuring a gay kiss following an ‘Earth Hour’ campaign which was criticised by some for not featuring a same-sex couple.

The company’s ‘Earth Hour’ ad, which encouraged people to switch off all electrics and take to the bedroom instead, was criticised as it featured nine opposite sex couples.

Some took to Twitter to ask Durex why no same-sex couples were featured in the ad promoting Earth Hour, which coincidentally fell on the same day the first same-sex weddings took place in England and Wales.

Others complained that Durex did not respond to their tweets asking the question, when the company did return answers to questions, for example, about whether pre-charged sex toys were allowed during the switch-off.

The company responded to say the ad did not intentionally exclude same-sex couples, and that actors used were picked based on talent, rather than sexuality.

The latest image was posted to the Durex Facebook page earlier this week.


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