Eurovision: Three Russian gay couples to marry in Copenhagen before event

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Three Russian gay couples will marry in Copenhagen next month, in the same week the city hosts Eurovision.

Flemming Otto, Eurovision 2014 office manager, said that 30 couples from the around the world will marry during the event, but that three gay Russian couples were first in line.

It was first announced in February that open-air weddings would be offered to Eurovision fans, to celebrate both the contest and 25 years since the first same-sex civil partnerships in Denmark.

Otto told Reuters: “We have already scheduled 20-30 couples in our calendar, both Danish and foreigners. On the first of the three days, we start with three Russian gay marriages.”

The move is likely to provoke Russia, which has strict anti-gay laws that ban the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality.

Otto continued: “It’s no secret that the Eurovision Song Contest will attract many people from the gay community to Copenhagen, and last year Denmark had new legislation that made it easier for us to marry foreigners of the same sex.

“We would like to strike a blow for the diversity and openness we have in Denmark. We are looking forward to marry all the happy couples, and I’m convinced we’ll be very busy.”

Eurovision semi-finals will be held in Copenhagen on May 6 and May 8 next month, with the grand final on May 10, with the celebratory marriages will take place on May 7, 8 and 10.

Drag artist Conchita Wurst will represent Austria in the contest.

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