Pussy Riot members: ‘Vladimir Putin could be gay’

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Two members of Pussy Riot have claimed that Vladimir Putin could be gay.

Masha Alyokhina and Nadya Tolokonnikova were jailed in 2012 for an anti-Putin performance with the pro-gay punk protest band.

They were released in December last year, and have spoken out against the Russian government on several occasions since.

Appearing on Bill Maher’s HBO show Real Time, they agreed with the host when he suggested Putin might be gay.

Maher had joked: “Vladimir Putin talks a lot about, ‘we’ve got to check the gays’, and in my experience, any time somebody talks a lot about how we have to get the gays in line, I mean, it turns out that they’re really gay themselves

“Every time I see a picture of Putin, he’s got his shirt off!”

The two band members replied: “People think that that might be the case. So far we haven’t seen his active side of that, in that area.”

Putin divorced from his wife of 30 years last week.

Members of the band were attacked with whips after attempting to perform at the Sochi Olympics in February.

The band later used footage of the beatings in a music video.

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