US: Rhode Island school apologises after guest speaker ‘warns’ kids about homosexuality

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The Principal of a Rhode Island school has apologised to parents for inviting a radio host to speak, after he ranted to children about homosexuality.

In a letter sent to students and staff at Prout School, principal David J. Carradini apologised for inviting Rocky Hoffman, a radio host at Catholic Relevant Radio, to speak to students last week.

According to the Providence Journal, the letter said: “Father Hoffman mixed personal opinion and church teaching in a way that offended everyone present, causing great harm. I do not share his opinions.

“Some of your sons and daughters have told me they felt trapped and used. I am grieved that my actions and inactions caused these feelings and I ask for your forgiveness.”

Parents angered by the speaker have called for Carradini to resign.

According to the newspaper, Mary Beth Handley wrote on the school’s Facebook group: “The Prout School family is reeling from the comments made by Father Francis Hoffman of Opus Dei.

“Father Hoffman used this forum to belittle gays, tell children of adoption and divorce that their parents really do not love them and other abominations that are not part of the church teachings or the teachings of Jesus Christ.

“Resign now, Mr. Carradini, before you do more harm.”

Daniel Ferris, the superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Providence, waved off calls for the principal to go.

He said; “While the situation that took place at the Prout School last week was deeply regrettable, Principal Carradini has no plans to resign.

“Despite an uproar from some parents, I have received calls, letters and emails of support for Mr. Carradini and his continued leadership at the school. He has my full support as he works to bring healing and reconciliation to the school community.”


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