US: NOM charges up to $15k for tickets to anti-gay fundraising gala

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The National Organisation for Marriage is attempting to sell tickets to its fundraising gala for up to $15,000 (£8960).

The anti-gay organisation, whose co-founder Maggie Gallagher last month admitted that equal marriage will eventually happen in all 50 states, are planning to hold the event on July 18 in Washington DC.

US: NOM charges up to $15k for tickets to anti-gay fundraising gala

The tickets for the gala start at $300 (£180) each, but various sponsorship tickets are available, varying in price from ‘bronze’, for $2000 (£1200), to ‘platinum’, which is $15,000 (£8960).

The top package includes a ‘VIP’ table at the event, a photo with the unannounced keynote speaker, promotion on the NOM Facebook page, and an advert on the event’s website.

They are also offering to make someone co-chair of their ‘March for Marriage’ protest, for the small sum of $25,000 (£14930)

It is not known if any of the most expensive tickets have actually been sold.

Donations to the group have plunged in recent years, dropping by nearly a third from $9.1 million in 2010 to $6.2 million in 2012, with two donors providing 75% of the group’s total funding.

Last November, the group’s president Brian Brown said that gay activists were trying to “force Americans of faith to compromise their beliefs and support something they know is objectively wrong.”

(h/t Good As You)

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