Watch: Anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera arrested in Canada for homophobic leaflets

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Anti-gay activists Peter LaBarbera and Bill Whatcott have been arrested in Canada for distributing homophobic leaflets, days after LaBarbera was detained at the border.

LaBarbera, who is president of ‘Americans for the Truth about Homosexuality’, was first detained at Regina International Airport on Friday, while on his way to speak at an anti-abortion conference.

However, after Customs officials decided they did not have grounds to deny him entry, he was eventually allowed into the country.

Today, he was arrested alongside Canadian activist Whatcott for distributing “graphic” homophobic literature at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, and refusing to leave peacefully.

According to the Leader-Post, LaBarbera and Whatcott were asked to leave by security the moment they arrived on campus and set up a stand with the material

When they refused to leave the police were called, and the pair were eventually arrested.

A crowd of students and onlookers cheered as they were led away in handcuffs.

The University’s vice president, Thomas Chase, said: “The materials were graphic and the materials were disturbing.

“The materials, we felt, could harm members of this campus community who we have a duty to protect and support.”

Leah Keiser, president of Pride Centre at the university said: “I think freedom of speech has its limits, and when it starts inciting hatred and violence, as I personally believe this has been, that’s a line I think we should stop crossing, because we’re not talking about opinions anymore — we’re actually hurting human beings.”

The men were charged with mischief, and have May 26 court dates.


Watch the pair’s arrest, via CJME below:

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