Is Alan Carr’s new charity ad for PETA a clichéd stereotype or just harmless fun?

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Alan Carr’s new advertising campaign for animal charity PETA has sparked a mixed reaction on Twitter, with many accusing it of pandering to stereotypes.

The Chatty Man presenter is depicted as a fairy with the slogan: “Be a little fairy for animals”.

Some Alan Carr fans have praised it, such as Meg Mathews who tweeted: “love it”.

Others weren’t so sure. Olly Barter tweeted: “Can’t decide whether the new Alan Carr ad for #Peta is harmless or insulting. Either way it’s not particularly good. Gay slur or gay purr?”

But many said it was a wrong move by the charity. Robert Winterton tweeted Peta to say: “I find your new advert featuring Alan Carr offensive. It wouldn’t be acceptable for advertising, so it’s not acceptable for you.”

In response, a spokesperson said: “PETA, like Marmite, welcomes vigorous discussion about our ads because getting people talking is the first step in raising awareness of important animal issues.

“Alan Carr’s ad humorously conveys the very serious homeless-animal crisis that has caused hundreds of thousands of animals to languish in shelters across the country and means thousands of healthy, highly adoptable animals are being euthanized, simply for lack of homes.

“The only solution to this growing problem is for people to sterilize their animal companions, and we’re very grateful to Alan for lending his support to the campaign.”



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