Exclusive: UKIP leaflet accuses Westminster politicians of English genocide

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PinkNews can exclusively reveal that extremist leaflets from a Christian UKIP group were handed out at the party’s spring conference in March.

The leaflets were produced by “Christian Soldiers UKIP” which is the “Christian Fellowship of UKIP”.

It suggests that social conservative UKIP Christians are seeking to raise their influence in the party.

The group says: “UKIP will support traditional marriage rather than gay marriage” – indicating that the Christian Fellowship of UKIP are unlikely to be among the 54% of surveyed UKIP would-be voters who last month said they supported same-sex marriage.

In March, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said equal marriage meant “opening up a very big can of worms” – whilst refusing to confirm whether he supported the principle of the reform for England and Wales.

His equivocation came after an apparent breakdown in internal communication regarding the party’s position for a PinkNews Q&A.

Other aims stated by the Christian Fellowship of UKIP include making sure “that the English people have their own Englsih [sic] Parliament – England will become an equal member of a renewed, democratic and prosperous United Kingdom and Constitutional Monarchy.”

One of the leaflets states: “Today we are witnessing a deliberate attempt by politicians to carry out a deliberate process of secularisation and ethnocide [genocide] of the English people and our ancient Christian nation, England.

“They are doing this because England is the powerhouse. The bulwark which stands in defence of the ancient, Christian realm of the United Kingdom.

“Before we joined the European Union, England was a land with a monocultural society rooted in Christianity – freedom, democracy.

“Respect for the rule of law and patriotism were fundamental principles for which our English ancestors fought and died.

“Despite their false reassurances and deceptive denials, Labour, Conservative, Lib Dems and the European Union mean to do away with England, her ancient history, traditions and culture and make us a region of the secular, satanic new fourth European Reich, the EU.”

The leaflet goes on to say: “UKIP are the only main political party that will protect and defend England, and all that the English people have come to love, hold dear and have died defending.”

One of the leaflets features a previous quote from UKIP leader Nigel Farage who says: “The United Kingdom Independence Party are happy to be seen as a standard bearer in the defence of our Judeo-Christian Heritage”.

Another leaflet is entitled “UKIP will defend our Christian homeland England” and includes a quote from UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttel MEP.

He says: “The Christian identity is under threat from every angle. UKIP are the only party that now support and will protect the fundamental rights of Christians.

“UKIP will speak out again the attack on our Christian heritage that has developed in this land for nearly 2000 years.”

The leaflet then lists the following aims:-

“UKIP will support traditional marriage rather than gay marriage.”

“UKIP will take Britain our [sic] of the secular EU and end uncontrolled immigration by taking back total control of our borders.”

“UKIP will bring an end to political correctness – which is used as a weapon by pro-EU and degenerate politicians to attack English patriotism and our God given freedoms, free speech and our Christian faiths and beliefs.”

“UKIP will see that the English people have their own Englsih [sic] Parliament – England will become an equal member of a renewed, democratic and prosperous United Kingdom and Constitutional Monarchy.”

“UKIP will stop the HS2 high speed rail link and protect our green and pleasant land.”

“UKIP will make St George’s Day a national holiday of celebration in England – the English people will once again be able to take pride in raising St George’s flag and celebrating everything that is England and English.”

“UKIP will end flawed, divisive multiculturalism.”

“Under a UKIP government Christians will be free to preach and practice.”

PinkNews has approached UKIP for comment.

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