Nigel Farage: Establishment singled out UKIP candidate who called David Cameron a gay loving nutcase

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Nigel Farage has complained the establishment are “singling out” UKIP members, after UKIP candidate Harry Perry labelled David Cameron a “gay loving nut case” and claimed that God “hates” homosexuality.

It emerged last night that Perry, who is a UKIP candidate in Stockport, made the offensive remarks in a Facebook message to Lib Dem candidate Lisa Smart.

Perry said: “Don’t you know, Lisa, that God hates homosexuality, you cannot be a Christian and support the gay issue.”

On Twitter, he had described David Cameron as a “gay loving nut case”, and claimed “i would leave ukip if they joind with ANY OF THE TTHREE MAIN PARTYS ON THE GAY ISSUE ALONE”.

UKIP has since suspended Perry from the party.

Responding to the comments today, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: “I’ve never heard of the bloke until last night.

“I’ve no idea who he is. I think he comes from the north west of England.

“Clearly his attitude and views are entirely inconsistent with being a member of UKIP. Simple.

“I am not saying we haven’t had our problems; we have. Every party has these kinds of problems but there is a completely disproportionate media spotlight on what goes wrong in UKIP compared to the others.”

“Yeah, we’ve got some idiots. [But] what is happening here is the establishment are singling out a handful of unpleasant comments made by UKIP people and yet the other parties do these things and say these things – it would appear with impunity.”

“I could show you 14 elected councillors from the Lib Dem, Labour and Conservative parties who haven’t just said nasty things, they’ve been convicted this year of nasty things.”

On Wednesday, Farage said his party should “possibly not” have taken money from a donor who believes gay people are incapable of love and who claims that it is not possible for husbands to rape wives.

Greek shipping tycoon Demetri Marchessin made the comments in a Channel 4 News interview.

UKIP MEP Roger Helmer this week has been at war with The Sun after the paper accused him of being a “bigot” for his views on homosexuality.

Last weekend it was revealed that a council candidate for UKIP in Staffordshire had described the arrival of same-sex marriage in England and Wales as a “Sad day for all us straight people”.

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