Conchita Wurst tops Russian iTunes chart

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Eurovision Song Contest singer Conchita Wurst is currently top of Russia’s iTunes chart – a victory which will presumably antagonise homophobic elements of Russia’s political elite.

The “Queen of Austria” triumphed in the final of Eurovision on Saturday night, winning with 290 points.

Speaking on state television, Russian MP and former Speaker Vladimir Zhirinovsky claimed her victory spelled the end of Europe as a whole.

Russian politician Vitaly Milonov had previously called for the country to boycott the contest over Wurst’s selection, labelling it the “Eurovision sodom show”.

He said: “Even just broadcasting the competition in Russia could insult millions of Russians.

“The participation of the obvious transvestite and hermaphrodite Conchita Wurst on the same stage as Russian singers on live television is blatant propaganda of homosexuality and spiritual decay.”

Russian entrants the Tolmachevy Sisters were loudly and repeatedly booed by the Copenhagen crowd, and managed to scrape just 89 points.

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