Green Party: EU membership should be on condition of protecting LGBT rights

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Any country seeking to join the European Union must safeguard the rights of its LGBT citizens, says Green Party MEP Keith Taylor.

The Green Party will tomorrow launch its LGBT European Election Manifesto in Brighton.

Its three main pledges include, making EU membership conditional upon granting rights for LGBT citizens and making LGBT rights a core European competency.

The Greens would argue for a vote to enshrine a set of minimum rights for LGBT people via legislation in the European Parliament.

Turkey, which is looking to join the EU, has previously been urged to improve its position on LGBT rights.

A report published by the European Commission in 2013 singled out Turkey for its high rates of hate crime, discriminatory practices in the military, censoring LGBT websites, and for taking out references to discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity from a draft anti-discrimination bill.

Keith Taylor, Green MEP for South East England said: “Greens have an incredibly strong track record in fighting for LGBTIQ rights in Europe, and helping the EU to move successfully towards true equality. The Green Group of MEPs, more so than any other group, is completely committed to LGBTIQ equality.

“And as part of the European Parliament’s LGBT Rights Intergroup I have worked towards a world free from homophobic prejudice and will continue to do so if re-elected. Candidates must stand in solidarity with the struggles of all LGBTI people; we must continue to fight for equality across the world, whilst not forgetting the continued discrimination and prejudice faced by many.”

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