US radio host: Sensitivity training for homophobic comments is like ‘communist re-education camps’

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A US Christian radio host has said he thinks sensitivity training for NFL players who make homophobic remarks is like sending people to “communist re-education camps”.

Miami Dolphins star Don Jones was last week fined and temporarily suspended from team practice and activities after described Michael Sam’s public, same-sex kiss as “horrible” on Twitter.

He was made to undergo sensitivity training following the comments.

Louisiana radio host Jeff Crouere commented in a column for the Christian Post this week.

He wrote: “It seems the politically correct liberals in charge of the NFL are admirers of communism. In Red China, Cambodia, Vietnam and other countries communist tyrants forced citizens into re-education camps to ‘enlighten’ their subjects about the wonderful ‘benefits’ of totalitarianism.”

Continuing, he wrote that Americans could no longer participate in the “evils of racism, homophobia and sexism” without being “sent to ‘educational training,’ to learn about the merits of the homosexual agenda and become more sensitive to the gay and lesbian lifestyle.

“This type of ‘training’ is an American styled re-education camp for Jones. He will undoubtedly emerge with a new and enlightened view of homosexuality… With this toxic environment, imagine what our Founding Fathers would think about their country today.”

Earlier in the week Crouere responded to a caller who joked that Jones had been sent to an “indoctrination camp”, to say “I mean, I guess he’s going to be sent to some re-education camp somewhere.”


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