Tory candidate: Gays, Jews and animals have rights, but what about Muslims?

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An Islamic cleric who believes gays, Jews and even animals have greater rights than Muslims is standing as a Conservative Party candidate in Newham, east London.

Mufti Shah Sadruddin delivered a sermon at the London Muslim Centre in 2012 where he suggested that you couldn’t offend “homosexuals”, “lesbians”, “Jews”, and even animals but that society felt it was permissible to offend the Prophet Mohamad.

Mr Sadruddin’s comments were based on the controversy involving US Christian anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones.

He infamously advocated the burning of the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, leading to worldwide condemnation.

The Express reports in a YouTube video Mr Sadruddin refers to “the gays” and says that because Jews “have this Holocaust”, Muslims should fight for “rights”.

He adds: “We have to create a revolution for our rights. The gays can get their rights…but when Islam is being abused we can’t even save it.

“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe, we are good for nothing.

“The Jewish community, they have their anti-Semitism, they have this Holocaust.

“The gays got these gay rights but any Tom, Dick, Harry can make a movie, Satanic Verses…but we are 1.5billion Muslims but we are not politically powerful.

“Block the roads of Newham just like Tahrir Square.”

Mr Sadruddin, who believes in the notion of Islamic states, has no known previous links to the Tories, and has been an enthusiastic supporter of Respect MP George Galloway.

Conservative Party Central Office told PinkNews that it was a matter for the Newham Conservative Association.

Last week, David Cameron promised that he would always deal “robustly” with Tory candidates if they have made offensive views.

The Prime Minister made the comments as he criticised a UKIP donor who claimed gay people are incapable of love.

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