Eight of the most homophobic things UKIP candidates and supporters have said

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As many took to the polls at the European and local elections today, PinkNews took some time to reminisce on the top eight most homophobic things said by UKIP supporters and candidates over recent years.

From saying PinkNews readers should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, to claiming that it is okay to be homophobic if you are over 70, the party has been a fountain of anti-gay remarks.

In no particular order, here are ten of the worst comments made by the ‘Kippers.

8. UKIP candidate writes on Facebook that “poofters” should be shot


On 17 February, John Lyndon Sullivan wrote on Facebook: “I rather often wonder if we shot one “poofter” (GLBT whatevers), whether the next 99 would decide on balance, that they weren’t after-all? We might then conclude that it’s not a matter of genetics, but rather more of education ;)”

UKIP’s mighty leader Nigel Farage said he was “unaware” of Sullivan’s remarks, despite reports in the media.

Sullivan previously said physical education could “prevent homosexuality”, and last year failed to be elected as a councillor for Newent in Gloucestershire.

7. Local candidate claims that gay people are like “prisoners who need freedom”


John Kearney, standing for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in the ward of Winklebury this week said he believes gay people are “promiscuous” and resemble “prisoners who need freedom” will not face disciplinary action.

He said: “The Church of England will fall very soon and be conducting gay weddings and we will have the neo-Catholics in our church ‘giving us their compassionate views’, but the Church will stay strong despite their onslaught.

“We must pray for the gay community that they will see that they are indeed prisoners who need freedom.”

Yes, please free us Mr Kearney. It’s what we’ve all been waiting for.

6. UKIP donor says gay people are incapable of love, believes women should be banned from wearing trousers, and has warped views about rape

Demetri Marchessini social media image

Demetri Marchessin, a Greek shipping tycoon said: “There is no such thing as fidelity in homosexual relationships. They just all go out looking for action. That’s the way it is.”

5. Parish councillor says it is a “tragedy” that Section 28 was abolished

Iain McLaughlan UKIP3

A UKIP Parish Councillor claimed it was a “tragedy” that Section 28, which prevented the discussion of homosexuality in schools, was ever repealed, because gays want to “destroy the traditional family”.

Iain McLaughlan, a UKIP member of Orton Waterville Parish Council in Peterborough, made the comments on Facebook in February, while praising Vladimir Putin for banning adoption by foreign gay couples.

4. UKIP leader Nigel Farage suggests that it’s OK to be homophobic if a person is aged 70 or older

The top dog made the remarks on Newsnight in an interview with Jeremy Paxman. He was defending the party’s candidate for the Newark by-election MEP Roger Helmer.

The 70-year-old recently said the public should be able to freely and openly dislike gay people, as they would different types of tea.

In 2000, while a Conservative MEP, Mr Helmer said: “The homosexual lobby wants to be accepted as a ‘valid alternative lifestyle’.

“I will argue homosexual behaviour is abnormal and undesirable.

3. Former UKIP candidate writes that PInkNews readers should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act

GasperDemocratsFacebook Social

Dr Julia Gasper, who has since joined the English Democrats as a European candidate, previously wrote that gay people needed to stop “complaining about persecution” and start expressing “gratitude” to straight people, on whom they are reliant to be born.

She also said that PinkNews readers should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, and used the UKIP forum to brand the gay rights movement a “lunatics charter”.

Since joining the English Democrats, Dr Gasper has been busy, calling for Grindr to be banned, and saying Daniel Radcliffe and a “queer mafia” were responsible for “victimising” former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich into stepping down. She also recently claimed that world AIDS day “celebrates” those who “spread” HIV.

2. UKIP councillor claims that David Cameron’s support for same-sex marriage caused floods


David Silvester, a UKIP councillor for Henley on Thames claimed that he warned David Cameron that allowing gay couples to marry would lead to flooding and that the Prime Minister ignored him.

Mr Silvester defected to UKIP from the Conservatives in 2012 in opposition to same-sex marriage.

What was that, sorry we can’t hear you over the deafening sound of this glorious sunshine.

1. Councillor says that he is “baffled” by homosexuality


A UK Independence Party councillor in West Yorkshire said he was “baffled” by Britain’s social acceptance of homosexuality and said that he found “female homosexuality” even stranger.

The councillor also discussed having an affair with an unnamed woman, and also about his difficulties in using appropriately sized condoms.

He later denied accusations of homophobia, saying he respected the “lifestyle choice” of gay people.

We’re baffled too.



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