House of Lords protest for Ugandan lesbian asylum seeker

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Supporters of a lesbian asylum seeker who faces deportation to Uganda are holding a protest outside the House of Lords this afternoon.

Campaigners say Aidah Asaba, 26, fled Uganda for Britain in October last year after being abused by her family and community.

She claims to have been forced into an arranged marriage and has received death threats in Uganda.

Sexual Minorities Uganda and the UK-based African LGBTI Out & Proud Diamond Group are both supporting her case.

A protest will take place outside the House of Lords at Westminster between 2pm-4pm on Thursday afternoon.

Ms Asaba has been told to prepare for immediate deportation on Saturday 24 May.

Human rights groups, MPs and lawyers have frequently documented alleged cases of the Home Office deporting LGBT asylum seekers back to countries such as Uganda where they face violence.

The claims have always been denied by the Home Office.

In March, Home Secretary Theresa May announced a review into the handling of LGBT asylum cases.

Uganda is notorious for its widespread homophobic persecution.

A Ugandan law further criminalising same-sex sexual activity, allowing repeat offenders to be sentenced to 14 years in prison, was given presidential approval in February.

For the first time lesbians in Uganda are now subject to the law as well.

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