UKIP candidate: Gays will stop marrying because they are ‘promiscuous prisoners’

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A UKIP candidate who believes gay people are “promiscuous” and resemble “prisoners who need freedom” will not face disciplinary action.

John Kearney is standing for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in the ward of Winklebury.

The Basingstoke Gazette reports on 29 March, the same day in which same-sex couples could begin marrying in England and Wales, he wrote on his blog: “Marriage for gays will gradually fall in numbers since it is against the promiscuous nature of that community.

“The Church of England will fall very soon and be conducting gay weddings and we will have the neo-Catholics in our church ‘giving us their compassionate views’, but the Church will stay strong despite their onslaught.

“We must pray for the gay community that they will see that they are indeed prisoners who need freedom.”

Mr Kearney, a Catholic, has also made outspoken remarks about Islam.

In August last year he wrote: “Today we have the rise of Islam and a contempt for human life among a large number of people of that faith. They seek world domination and are more evangelical in their cause than Christians have been in the past 40 years.

“A new word has arisen in Brainwashed Britain – ‘Islamaphobia’. This is called an unnatural fear of Islam.

“I do not know about unnatural but I would say that anyone who does not fear Islam is a fool. No, Islam is a religion and the Catholic Church with the Lord on her side is the only countermeasure. But Catholics must know their Faith and they must be ready to die for it.”

Mr Kearney’s election agent Phil Heath told The Gazette that he could not “defend” the Winklebury candidate over his comments on the gay community, saying: “He seems to have been misinformed that the majority of gays are promiscuous, which is completely wrong.

“They are no more promiscuous than heterosexual people. I think he has got it completely wrong, and I will ask where he got that from.”

But Mr Heath defended the comments Mr Kearney made about Islam, adding: “We back John Kearney 100 per cent. He is an articulate and very caring man who is devout in his religion.”
UKIP are expected to perform strongly in today’s European elections – despite a whole series of incidents involving its candidates.

Earlier this week, UKIP leader Nigel Farage suggested that it’s permissible to hold anti-gay views if a person is 70 or older.

Mr Farage was defending the party’s candidate for the Newark by-election MEP Roger Helmer.

The 70-year-old recently said the public should be able to freely and openly dislike gay people, as they would different types of tea.

In 2000, Mr Helmer described “homosexual behaviour” as a “valid alternative lifestyle”.

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