Duck Dynasty son: My father is a 21st century prophet for his anti-gay rants

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The son of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has claimed he is a “21st century prophet” for his repeated anti-gay comments.

Robertson senior was given an “indefinite” suspension from Duck Dynasty show last year, after he ranted to GQ about gay men preferring “a man’s anus” over a vagina.

Earlier this week, a video has surfaced of him giving a homophobic Easter Sunday sermon at Whites Ferry Road Church in his hometown of West Monroe, Louisiana.

Speaking to the anti-gay Family Research Council’s conference, Alan Robertson – who also appears on the show – compared his father to John the Baptist.

Alan Robertson said: “My dad has the heart and mindset of a prophet and he’s most compared to John the Baptist.

“I’m always amazed how many people will make their way out, just to talk to my dad about the good news of Jesus Christ. He’s a lot like John the Baptist – he is that guy.

“John the Baptist also lost his head  for speaking the truth in a culture that isn’t prepared to hear truth.

“That doesn’t change my dad’s view at all. Prophets tend not to care about their public image.

“They tend to talk about their judgement as if it’s real and they speak what God gives them to speak, and that’s what my dad does. So he is, in that sense, a 21st century prophet.”

In the video released this week, Phil Robertson reflected on last year’s controversy, saying: “They were mad at me. You say, ‘Why’d they get mad at you?’ Cuz instead of acknowledging their sin, like you had better do, they railed against me for giving them the truth about their sins. Don’t deceive yourselves.

“The news media didn’t even know it was a verse! They thought I was just mouthing off. ‘Is homosexual behaviour a sin?’ the guy asked me. I said, ‘Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived’.”

He continued: “Neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolators, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

The family had previously said in a statement earlier this year that they were “ready to move on” from the incident, and that they had “learned a lot”.

Watch Alan Robertson’s full speech below:

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