US: Gay male student crowned prom queen in Connecticut

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A gay male student at a Connecticut school has been crowned prom queen.

Danbury High School student Nasir Fleming does not identify as transgender, but says he ran for prom queen to “show the world” that anything is possible.

According to Queerty, the crowd at the Matrix Centre in Connecticut gave a standing ovation as Fleming received his tiara.

He said: “My main reason for wanting to win prom queen is to show the school, and hopefully the world, that if a spunky, odd gay kid can win prom queen, then anyone can!

“If I can win a title that is out of my gender, anyone else should be able to, including transgender people.

“I also want other LGBT youth that our main purpose in life is to make ourselves happy.

“Very often we conform to societal norms in order to be accepted, and it is not acceptable for us to shun a perfectly fine part of ourselves.

“We are the innovators of the future, we are the future and we can make a change.”

He added: “I was shocked to see how awesome and supportive my peers are. I received a decent amount of negative backlash, so I was surprised when I won.”

Last month, a student was kicked out of her prom in North Carolina, because she wore trousers instead of a dress.

In San Francisco, a Catholic school student was banned from appearing in her yearbook, after she turned up to prom in a tuxedo.

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