SNP LGBT group: We fully support 40% female boardroom quota policy

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The Scottish National Party’s LGBT group says it fully supports First Minister Alex Salmond’s plan for a 40% female quota in boardrooms – in the wake of criticism by the group’s former chair.

SNP Councillor Gregor Murray, the deputy convener of education on Dundee City Council, was previously convener of the SNP’s LGBT group, Out for Independence, when it was still an unofficial organisation within the SNP.

Cllr Murray wrote on Facebook that the quota was “the biggest load of p*** I have ever seen in my life”.

He previously worked for Shona Robison, the Cabinet Secretary promoting the quota.

In a ­reference to Ms Robison, he added: Sorry Shona pal, I love you very dearly, but that’s just f***ing stupid.”

In response, Kirsty MacAlpine, the current national organiser of Out for Scotland said Cllr Murray’s position did not reflect the group.

She told “Out for Independence fully endorses Scottish Government plans to increase women’s representation on boards, in politics and across public life more widely.”

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