US: Southern Baptist Convention motion attacks laws protecting trans people

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A motion submitted to the Southern Baptist Convention condemns all transgender anti-discrimination laws, gender confirmation surgery, and efforts to protect trans people.

The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant denomination in the US, and last year banned all its military chaplains from attending or supporting same-sex weddings.

A motion to go before the Convention next week, submitted by pastor Denny Burk, calls on the church to lobby against all laws protecting trans people.

It reads: “We condemn efforts to alter one’s bodily identity (e.g., cross-sex hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery) to bring it into line with one’s perceived gender identity

“We continue to oppose steadfastly all efforts by any court or state legislature to validate transgender identity as morally praiseworthy.

“We commit ourselves to pray for and support legislative and legal efforts to oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and other legislation like it that would give gender identity the same legal protections as sex and race.

“We call upon all judges and public officials to resist and oppose the efforts to treat gender identity as a protected class

“We oppose all efforts by media and entertainment outlets and public schools to mainstream transgender identity in the eyes of our children.

“We call on Southern Baptist churches to commit to guard our religious liberty to teach and preach the Bible’s message about sex and gender.”

According to Good As You, the group’s leadership will decide next week whether or not to bring the resolution to a vote.

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