Activist: Gay rights will lead to men jerking off next to you at bus stops

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An activist has claimed that “sexual freedom” will lead to men being allowed to masturbate next to people at bus stops.

David Ortiz, a former contributor to conspiracy theory website Infowars, made the comments while interviewing anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera.

Ortiz said: “You can not be a masculine nation and support homosexuality in my opinion.

“The moment you cave in to moral relativism, where it’s not about values, it’s about love, you open up a whole other Pandora’s box.

“Why can’t a man sexually relieve himself next to you on a bus stop, as long as he’s not groaning, as long as he cleans up after himself?

“Hey, you’re getting in the way of his sexual freedom! Why are you so anti-sexual freedom?”

Steering away from the bus stop scenario, LaBarbera replied: “I totally agree with you about the masculinity crisis, I think homosexuality in itself is a masculinity crisis.

“Tough guy homosexuality masculinity is not the real deal. Masculine men do not have sex with other men.”

LaBarbera, who is the president of Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality, was arrested in Canada in April, after refusing to leave a university where he was attempting to distribute anti-gay leaflets without permission.

Watch the interview via Right Wing Watch below:

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