RAF officer jailed after secretly filming naked lesbian colleague

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An RAF officer has been jailed after secretly filming his naked colleague, and sending the photos to her girlfriend.

Flying Officer Jonathan Cook, 30, sneaked into the female officer’s room and hid a video camera underneath her desk.

He then sent the images of the naked woman to her girlfriend over Facebook.

Cook used a fake account under the pseudonym  ‘Emma Oxbum’, suggesting an affair had occurred in a bid to split up the couple.

He was infatuated with his colleague and wanted a relationship with her.

He confessed to the female officer, after incriminating himself by giving away too much information in the Facebook messages.

Flying Officer Cook was sentenced to 14 months of military detention and dismissed from the RAF. He admitted guilt to one count of voyeurism and two counts of harassment against the couple.

The couple said in a victim statement they almost broke up.

The female officer said, “All aspects of my life have been affected. Filming me and stealing my underwear makes me feel violated.”

Judge Robert Hill told Cook, “You became obsessed in starting a relationship with her. But this ploy was unravelled when she saw a reference about something only you and her knew about and she smelt a rat.’”

The incident took place at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire, the elite RAF officer training school.

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