Video: Insurance company marks Pride with beautiful animated gay love story

PinkNews logo on a pink background surrounded by illustrated line drawings of a rainbow, pride flag, unicorn and more.

American insurance company Allstate has released an animated short film featuring a gay love story, to commemorate Pride month.

The film, titled Safe In My Hands, features a boy ostracised by society for being different, until he finds his same-sex partner.

It is accompanied by a specially-written single by openly gay singer-songwriter Eli Lieb, which was released for free alongside the advert.

The company also launched the #OutHoldingHands campaign, which is visiting Pride events across the US to collect photos of people holding hands.

Allstate said on the campaign website: “We believe everyone should be treated with respect and without judgement no matter who they love. We believe everyone deserves to feel comfortable showing affection out in public.”

Before announcing his participation in the campaign, Lieb posted on Facebook: “I am overjoyed that I am able to help people live truthfully and honor themselves.

“We can all make a difference in this world. And even if it’s one person at a time, just like throwing a rock in a lake, the ripple it makes travels everywhere.

“Each person is a pebble that can make ripples felt throughout the whole world.”

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