Video: Adorable film tribute to adoptive gay dads

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A filmmaker has made a moving tribute video to gay adoptive parents for Father’s Day.

The film – which was shot using actors – is from the perspective of an 11-year-old boy, thanking his adoptive dads for raising him.

The voiceover says: “Some of the kids at school say I have a weird family, because they are not my real parents… But I don’t care. They are the nicest people you will ever meet and they are the best dads in the whole world.”

The video was shot and directed by Hieu Tran, who said he wanted to make people smile with the project.

He said: “There is a saying I learned in my college parenting class: Biology makes babies, but it doesn’t make parents.

“[The video] was a spontaneous idea that was inspired by my father and some gay couples I know. It is a video to thank all dads – gay or straight – all over the world for doing their best to raise their children.

“This video makes me think about my own future. I am turning 25 years old soon and when I scroll on Facebook, many of my friends from college are getting married and welcoming their newborn sons and daughters.

“When my partner and I have kids, I hope we will work together to be good and proud parents, just like my own parents.

“I want to guide our future children to reach their potential and love them unconditionally. I want them to be better versions of us.

“I hope that when you watch the video, it makes you smile. If I got you to feel something, I’ve accomplished my goal.”

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