Rick Santorum: People who oppose gay rights are being sent to re-education camps

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Republican Rick Santorum has claimed that people who oppose gay rights are now being sent to ‘re-education’ camps.

The failed Republican presidential candidate was appearing on the American Family Association’s radio show, and was interviewed by host Bryan Fischer.

He said: “You actually hear some members of the Obama administration, particularly in the state department, who no longer use the term freedom of religion.

“You now see situations with bakers and florists and photographers who are being forced to provide services for same-sex weddings or get fined, lose their business.

“There was a case in Colorado where someone had to go to a re-education camp.

“They are fighting, they are fighting, they are not backing away, they are coming at us.

“How many people do we have saying we’ve already lost the marriage issue? We haven’t even lost yet! We have to understand that if we don’t engage with this war, we will lose this war.”

Last week, he claimed that same-sex marriage would hurt the economy by destroying families.

Also last week, Santorum finally admitted that he made a “mistake” by endorsing Judge John Jones, who last month struck down Pennsylvania’s same-sex marriage ban.

n 2002, Santorum warmly endorsed the judge at his senate confirmation hearing, saying:  “John Jones is another outstanding lawyer and has served not just as an outstanding lawyer, but served the community beyond the practice of law.

“He also went to the same law school I went to. So he also has an outstanding legal education.”

Finally commenting on the judge, he said: “We’re all entitled to a mistake.”

On the same show earlier this month, Bryan Fischer claimed that “homosexual stormtroopers” had brought back slavery.

Listen to the clip below:

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