Swedish Ice Hockey team unveils new Pride-themed kit

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A Swedish Ice Hockey team has unveiled a new rainbow-themed kit.

Swedish Ice Hockey team unveils new Pride-themed kit

Kiruna IF – a third division team based in the town of Kiruna – released the new kit to combat homophobia in what is described as the most ‘laddish’ sport.

In addition to the new rainbow uniform, members of the squad will visit schools and give talks to combat homophobia.

Swedish Ice Hockey team unveils new Pride-themed kit

The team is hoping to become the first sports association in Sweden to be certified by the country’s leading LGBT charity, the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights.

Swedish Ice Hockey Association director of hockey development Tommy Boustedt said: ”Kiruna IF’s acceptance project is a laudable initiative that is in line with Swedish hockey’s core values, mission and vision.

“Participation and democracy shall be the defining features in the work to develop our sport.”

A press release from the team said:

“A core value of Kiruna IF is that anyone who wants to participate shall be able to participate on equal
terms and be treated with respect.

“Through LGBT certification, Kiruna IF take one step further and aim to become a source of inspiration in the work for acceptance and diversity in Swedish hockey, while at the same time playing an active role in the building of a new and more attractive Kiruna.

“The hope is that if the most laddish sport in the most laddish city takes a stand, others will soon catch on!

“The certification program provides new skills and tools and helps promote LGBT visibility. The focus is on LGBT issues but the certification process is also an excellent opportunity to discuss and reflect on norms and attitudes in a broader perspective.”

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