New Zealand: Woman ‘throws paint’ over gay sauna

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A woman has been caught on camera throwing paint over a gay sauna.

A CCTV system caught footage of a woman emptying a can of paint into the doorway of Centurian Sauna, in Auckland, New Zealand.

According to GayNZ, sauna manager Gabriel Clifton said: “The footage shows that this was planned and that we were clearly the target.”

He added that a few days before the attack, he had received a call from a woman who wanted to speak with him “to pray for my soul”.

He continued: “Her 10 second act of pointless hate has cost me at least three days cleaning, sanding and painting.”

“I’ve dealt with enough of these morons in my life that I am not affected by it. But I am really annoyed that she used a boring off-white. I would have much preferred fluorescent green.”

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