Philip Hammond expected to be foreign secretary in Government reshuffle

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Tory former defence secretary Philip Hammond has been appointed the foreign secretary in the Government reshuffle, after William Hague stepped down.

According to the BBC and Sky News, senior ministers confirmed that Hammond was appointed to replace Hague. The official announcement is expected to come on Tuesday.

Hammond came out against same-sex marriage in 2012, and last year said there was “no demand” for same-sex marriage and that it was “upsetting vast numbers of people”.

After vocally opposing same-sex marriage, he in January this year said that he is now accepting of same-sex marriage, and claimed critics should ‘get used to it and move on’.

Previously a strong opponent of same-sex marriage, Mr Hammond was one of the most senior ministers to abstain from major Commons votes on same-sex marriage last year, but later voted with the government in favour of secondary legislation.

After changing his stance, he attempted to mitigate his previous position, saying: “I was never against the principle. My concern was about the pace. But that’s history.”

William Hague stepped down from the position, and announced he will not stand again in the 2015 election. He will take on the role of leader of the House of Commons, with immediate effect.

A replacement for Hammond in the role of defence secretary is expected to be announced on Tuesday.

Correction: This article originally stated that it was confirmed that Philip Hammond was appointed. The appointment has not yet been confirmed by Downing Street.

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