US: Young Republican quits after ranting about ‘United States of Gaymerica’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A member of the New York Young Republicans has quit, after an anti-gay rant in which he condemned the “United States of Gaymerica”.

William Palumbo of the New York Young Republican Club had written a blog complaining that Pride flags were flown outside some US embassies to celebrate Pride events, titled “United States of Gaymeria?”.

He said: “Can I pose a serious question? At what point does replacing the American flag with the rainbow flag, a symbol of gay/LGBTQ(RSTUVWXYZ) pride from embassies abroad become an impeachable offense in itself?

“A legitimate government does not start flying flags of a stateless movement on its embassies abroad.

“Flags represent allegiance. Apparently the United States Department of State intends to tell the world, ‘We are the international gay movement’.

“As anyone who knows about the Foreign Service will tell you, it has always been somewhat of a refuge for homosexuals. Ditto the CIA, whose ranks were and are filled by people of alternative lifestyles – including gays, nudists, those who believe in mind control, etc. Just think of Christopher Stevens, who was a CIA operative in the State Department, and gay.

“The bottom line is that when the U.S. Department of State puts social policy ahead of rational and effective diplomacy, we are all put in danger.

“If you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole, consider that Mohamed Atta, a 9/11 hijacker from Egypt, was also gay, and this is not so uncommon among jihadis.”

The blog has since been removed from the website, and New York Young Republicans President Brian Morgenstern said: “William Palumbo resigned from his position with our volunteer organization on July 1st.

“The contents of his blog post do not reflect the views of the club.”

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