Chris Kluwe attacks three-match ban for NFL coach who called for gays to be ‘nuked’

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NFL punter Chris Kluwe has criticized the Minnesota Vikings for only handing a three-match ban to a coach who called for gays to be “nuked”.

Kluwe earlier this year branded coach Mike Priefer a bigot, alleging that he said: “We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows.”

Following the conclusion of a lengthy investigation, earlier this week the team has opted to suspend Priefer for just three matches over the remarks.

Kluwe told Fox: “Players who get caught smoking weed or DUI get 4 games, and you’re telling me the guy who made a comment like ‘let’s round up all the gays put them on an island nuke it till it glows’, he’s only going to get a slap on the wrist?

“I think he’s probably sorry that all of this ever happened. I don’t think he’s truly sorry.”

He added that he was proceeding with his lawsuit against the team, following the ban.

In March 2013, Kluwe filed an amicus brief with fellow NFL player Brendon Ayanbadejo, urging the Supreme Court to strike down California’s Proposition 8 ban on equal marriage.

Two months later, he announced that he had been dropped by the Minnesota Vikings, and this year alleged he was “pretty confident” that he had been sacked on account of his gay rights activism, bringing Priefer’s comments to light and threatening a lawsuit.

He added today: “The NFL is a league where you can get redemption for killing someone, for beating your wife in an elevator, for driving drunk, for a whole variety of things… but when you speak out for civil rights, that’s the one thing you cannot get redeemed for.”

Priefer has apologised for the comments, and denied claims that he was homophobic, saying that he has gay family members whom he loves.

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