Mike Freer becomes Parliamentary Private Secretary to Nick Boles

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Out Tory MP Mike Freer has become the Parliamentary Private Secretary to Nick Boles, the Minister tasked with implementing same-sex marriage.

Last Tuesday, David Cameron appointed Nicky Morgan as the new Education Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities.

As the Loughborough MP voted against same-sex marriage last year, Nick Boles was given specific responsibilities for same-sex marriage and LGBT equality

Mr Freer announced his appointment today, saying he was proud to be working for the implementation of same-sex marriage.

He will support the Minister in his responsibilities spanning two departments, covering apprenticeships at Education, and skills and enterprise at Business. Nick Boles will also oversee the implementation of equal marriage legislation.

Speaking to PinkNews today, Mike Freer said: “I’m thrilled that Nick has appointed me as his PPS. I’ll be supporting the Minister on key topics such as apprenticeships and further education, something which will be of benefit to my constituents. Obviously I’m also delighted that I will assist the Minister in implementing the equal marriage legislation which I campaigned heavily for. The legislation is now in place and I look forward to supporting the Minister in driving its implementation forward”.

He has been a vocal campaigner on equality issues such as equal marriage, winning Parliamentary Speech of the Year at the PinkNews Awards 2013, and has also been a strong advocate of extending HPV vaccinations to boys.

Earlier this year Mr Freer was appointed as Vice Chair of the Conservative Party, and previously was PPS to Eric Pickles.


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