Commonwealth Games opening ceremony celebrates equality with John Barrowman gay kiss

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The opening ceremony of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games this evening featured a kiss between actor John Barrowman and a male dancer, in celebration of equality in Scotland.

The kiss between out actor Barrowman and the kilted man was accompanied by shouts of “here’s to equality in Scotland”, and other backing dancers pulling party poppers.

The statement came at the beginning of the ceremony.

Campaigners have called for statements in support of LGBT rights, given the number of Commonwealth countries which still currently criminalise homsexuality.

Those following the ceremony on social media celebrated the kiss.

Volunteers were also seen wearing rainbow colours, including rainbow tartan, as the ceremony went on.

Same-sex marriage came one step closer to becoming a reality in Scotland as its bill to legalise it received Royal Assent in March.

Marriages between gay and lesbian couples are expected to begin in Scotland in 2015.

The Commonwealth Games has been subject to controversy already as human rights campaigners have called on Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond to speak out against countries with anti-gay laws.

Homosexuality is currently punishable with prison sentences in 42 out of 54 Commonwealth nations.

The Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg have both made calls to stand up for LGBT equality during the games.

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