US: Petition urges Florida Attorney General to stop ‘wasting resources’ by fighting same-sex marriage

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Over 7000 people signed a petition calling on Florida Attorney General to stop wasting resources fighting against same-sex marriage.

The group from Equality Florida marched into Republican Pam Bondi’s office on Thursday to deliver the signatures in baskets, calling on her to give up her fight against equal marriage.

Bondi, who has divorced twice, last month claimed in a much-ridiculed legal brief that same-sex marriage would cause “significant public harm”, and implementing it would cause “significant financial and logistical problems”,

After Circuit Judge Luis M Garcia struck down the marriage ban in Florida’s Monroe County last week, Bondi filed an appeal to put the ban back in place.

Likewise, after a judge in Miama-Dade County made a similar ruling yesterday, Bondi is again expected to appeal.

The petition was dropped off on Thursday by a group of six same-sex couples.

US: Petition urges Florida Attorney General to stop ‘wasting resources’ by fighting same-sex marriage

Jennie Reiken of Equality Florida said: “We met outside the beautiful capitol building in Tallahassee and walked right in. We entered the office and handed the 7,000 petitions to the reception area.

“The feeling in the air this morning was filled with love and hope.”

The group said: “We live here, we’ve been here our entire lives, we want to get married with our friends and family.

“We want to be recognised as citizens of Florida. It’s very simple.

“We shouldn’t be tied down by legal loopholes and [the attorney general] for us to be able to start a family.”

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