Christian mom tells the world she discovered hardcore gay porn on her son’s phone

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A writer for one of the largest Christian websites in the US has given her account of finding hardcore porn on her son’s phone, but also takes the opportunity to call homosexuality “not real sexuality”, and not “normal”.

Abby Moore, a pseudonym, writes on Life Site in a post titled ‘the day my kid found hardcore porn on his iPhone,’ and explains in detail about finding gay porn on her 10-year-old son’s phone.

At the beginning of the post it appears that Moore is concerned that her son has been looking at porn, and discusses the escalation from searching for a hack to allow a computer game character to wear only underwear, to searching for gay porn.

She then goes on, however, to voice her concern about the fact that he might be gay, based on the searches he made, saying homosexuality isn’t “real sexuality”, that it is not “normal”, and that he was “reassured”, when she pointed out that “all of his crushes have been on girls.”

“We talked for a long time. I told him that what he had seen wasn’t normal, wasn’t real sexuality. I explained, for the first time, in explicit but appropriate terms, exactly what sex is and what it is for, and that it’s something God wants us to save for marriage so that all the babies who come from sex will have moms and dads to love them and raise them. I asked him if he thought he was gay. He said he didn’t know. I pointed out that all his crushes have been on girls, and that seemed to reassure him. I told him it was normal to be curious about people’s bodies and about sex, but that if he ever has questions, he needs to ask me or his dad, not Siri or Google,” she writes.

Continuing. Moore says: “I told him that he was absolutely not in trouble, but that I would be taking his phone away until I could figure out how to protect him from ever seeing those things again.”

Moore then concludes, appearing triumphant, saying: “I doubt he’ll go looking again for naked people for a long, long time.”

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