US: New Jersey judge dismisses challenges to gay conversion therapy ban

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A US District Court federal judge has dismissed the second challenge made on the state’s gay conversion therapy ban for the second time in the last nine months.

The ruling rejects the claims made by a New Jersey couple who said their constitutional rights were being violated because the law prevents them from seeking treatment for their 15-year-old son.

The same judge is responsible for dismissing another challenge to the law filed by a group of plaintiffs. Among them were two licensed therapists who practice what are called “sexual orientation change efforts”.

The ban on gay conversion therapy was signed into place by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie after he publicly said he did not agree with the controversial therapy.

Other supporters of the ban include The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) who has launched a campaign aiming to end gay-to-straight conversion therapy in the US within “the next five years”.

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