NOM President Brian Brown: We also oppose the redefinition of chairs

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The National Organisation for Marriage has unveiled its opposition to the redefinition of chairs.

The anti-gay group’s President, Brian Brown, made the comments in his weekly newsletter.

He claimed: “Suppose you took a table and a chair and together referred to them both as chairs. In that instance, the two things really would be different—and by calling them the same thing, you would have made the term ‘chair’ meaningless.

“The point is this: the word ‘marriage’ either means something or it does not. Isn’t it only fair and just to ask first what it does mean before trying to decide to apply the term to something new?

“Calling a table a chair does damage to the meaning of the word ‘chair’—and it does no service to our understanding of either tables or chairs. It is thus injurious to our wisdom and knowledge on three counts, and reduces our ability to reason at all.

“So it goes with marriage. Calling something ‘marriage’ that is not marriage damages our public notion of marriage, in multiple ways.

“It neither serves society as a whole, nor does it ultimately serve society’s members because it reduces their ability to make any reasonable or legal distinctions. And so, when something else comes along purporting to be ‘marriage’, no legal or moral rationale exists for drawing the line.”

We can only assume Brown’s chosen definition of ‘chair’ is strictly Biblical, and does not include office chairs, sofa-beds, beanbags or futons.

Last month NOM launched a boycott of international mega-bank JPMorgan Chase, after it asked employees whether they considered themselves allies of the LGBT community in a routine internal survey.

(h/t GoodAsYou)

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