Watch: Lesbian comedian delivers epic put-down to homophobic hecklers

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Lesbian comedian Cameron Esposito has delivered an amazing put-down to homophobic hecklers.

The comedian came out with the epic comeback after a man heckled her at a show for looking like a lesbian.

She said: “I was walking on stage not too long ago, and before I even hit the mic, this dude sitting in the front row just yells at me ‘you look like a woman who doesn’t sleep with men!’.

“He yelled that at me like as if I don’t know. He yelled that at me like it was going to be a surprise, and an insult.

“Here’s the thing: I look like a woman who doesn’t sleep with men because I am a lesbian… and that’s one of the biggest parts.

“This look, this is on purpose. To attract women.

“So if you’re a guy out there, and you’re like ‘I’m not sure if I’m into that’, to you I say sir, there is no chance that you are less into me than I am into you.”

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