Brighton: Man left with fractured eye socket after attack outside gay bar

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Police are appealing for witnesses after a man suffered a fractured eye socket in an unprovoked assault outside a Brighton gay bar.

The attack happened outside Subline, situated on St James’s Street, at about 2am on Friday 8 August.

Sussex Police say the victim was approached by a man who asked him for a cigarette.

Without warning, the attacker then punched the victim and ran off along St James’s Street.

The suspect is described as white, about 30 years old and 5ft 6in with scruffy brown hair.

Sussex Police told PinkNews the assault is not being treated as a homophobic incident.

Detective Constable Melanie Wauchope said: “This was a nasty attack in an area of the city that could have had quite a few people in it at that time on Friday night.

“I need to speak to anyone who saw the attack or the man running away. Any information at all that you have could be useful so please contact us.”

Anyone with information should email [email protected] quoting serial 561 of 11/08, call 101 or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.


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