Bryan Fischer: A lesbian district attorney was to blame for Rick Perry’s indictment

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Adamantly homophobic US radio host Bryan Fischer has claimed that a lesbian district attorney was to blame for the indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry over an abuse of power.

Texas Governor Rick Perry, who recently compared homosexuality to alcoholism, has been indicted by a grand jury for abuse of power.

Tweeting, Fischer incorrectly stated that a district attorney had indicted Perry, suggesting that because she was a lesbian, she was in fact guilty of an abuse of power.

He claimed that his source was “credible.”

Bryan Fischer

In June, Perry had said: “I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way.”

The failed 2012 Republican presidential candidate is now facing a charge of abuse of official capacity, which carries a prison sentence of five to 99 years.

Fischer last month claimed that discrimination against gay people isn’t a problem, because we also discriminate against necrophiliacs.

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