US radio host: Same-sex marriage will cause the apocalypse

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A radio host has predicted that same-sex marriage in the US will bring about the end of the world.

Anti-gay activist Linda Harvey made the comments while appearing on radio show Understanding the Times with Jan Markell, according to Right Wing Watch.

She said: “Now that you have same-sex marriage… as the culture declines we’re heading into the End Times, and it sure looks like we may be, or the end of America—or both.

“We’re responsible for what we do right up to the end… we need to go to our city councils and stop these [Pride] parades.

“I think they are a blight on the community, they communicate exactly the wrong message: that homosexuality and gender change is totally fine, that it’s a big joke, because there are men dressed in feather boas, lipstick and heels in these parades, this is such a raw message to our children especially.”

“Pastors are going to have to realize this has a huge impact on America, on our culture and on children.

“Everything we pass regarding acceptance and embrace of homosexuality or same-sex marriage, it’s not just some little population over there, it is being mandated in our schools and now in our courts and now in our workplaces that you have to embrace this and not just embrace this, you have to honour it or else we’re going to punish you.”

Harvey recently claimed that gay people are “a myth” and that gay teenagers who are thrown out of their homes only have themselves to blame.

Listen to a clip below:

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