US: Gay rights group responds to God Hates Fags church’s ALS ice bucket challenge

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

LGBT rights organisation Equality House has released an ALS ice bucket challenge video in response to being challenged by the Westboro Baptist Church.

The challenge, which raises money for the ALS (motor neurone disease) Association, requires people nominated to either donate $100 (£60) to charity or pour a bucket of ice-water over their head.

It has swept the world by storm, with many celebrities and gay icons taking part. 

In the church’s video, a child of a church member pours a bucket of ice over a sign reading “Hell is Eternal,” while an adult filiming dares the “sodomite rainbow house” to complete the challenge.

Equality House, an equality centre set up last year by the pro-gay organisation Planting Peace, faces directly opposite the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.

In the video, an Equality House worker says: “I am equally touched that the Westboro Baptist Church hate group, in accordance with the motto ‘nominating friends and loved ones,’ has nominated me to the ALS ice bucket challenge.

“I am thrilled my neighbors took time off from their hateful protests to do something for a good cause, and I gladly accept.”

The Equality House has nominated hate group The Family Research Council to participate in the challenge, saying: “I think you need a dose of good deed doing.”

Click here to donate to the ALSA.

Watch the video below:

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