Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

PinkNews brings you a roundup of news from the past seven days.

Here are some of the most widely read, and notable news stories from the past week which you may have missed.

The British National Party claimed that gay porn will be shown on CBeebies

Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

The BNP posted a photoshopped picture of a child watching gay pornography on CBeebies, claiming a BBC drama boss was “making it his business to make his homosexual persuasion everyone else’s”.

Since Nick Griffin was forced to step down as leader, homophobia has surged in the far-right group.

David Cameron called for more gay couples to adopt children

Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

The Prime Minister told the Royal College of GPs: “When there are children in need of a loving family, and gay couples with so much love to give, we should not allow prejudice to stand in the way of progress for our children or for our wider society.

“That sends a powerful message about who we are as a country in the modern world.”

Cardiff City boss Malky Mackay admitted sending ‘unacceptable’ homophobic texts

Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

The football manager said: “Looking at them, they are completely unacceptable, inappropriate, and for that and any offence I’ve caused, I sincerely apologise”.

The League Managers’ Association also apologised for defending the texts as “friendly banter”.

Thatcher’s Health Minister urged the government to back statutory sex education in schools

Lord Fowler, a former Conservative Party Chairman, told PinkNews: “It’s all very well saying ‘we should leave it to the parents’ – we know very well if we leave it to the parents it just won’t be done at all.

“I think it’s just what we should be doing in a modern society.”

A Creationist theme park refused to hire gay people

Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

The Ark Encounter park in Kentucky, which has been granted $18m in tax incentives, makes prospective employees sign a ‘faith statement’ banning homosexuality.

Finance board chairman Keith Williams claims the park “could produce a good amount of tourism for the state of Kentucky.”

A former UKIP chair claimed the party is ‘plagued’ with transsexuals

Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

Dr Julia Gasper claimed her former party was full of “absolutely grotesque” transsexuals, after Kellie Maloney came out as transgender.

Dr Gasper claimed: “A man who has his genitals surgically removed is a eunuch, not a woman. He is also insane.”

Doctor Who featured its first ever interspecies lesbian kiss

Gay porn on CBeebies, and 6 other stories you might have missed this week

In the sci-fi show’s return to TV, Silurian lizard-woman Madame Vastra locked lips with her wife, the human Jenny Flint.

One reviewer wrote: “Found those characters that liked to display their preferences to be inappropriate for a children’s program, but the BBC seem to want to become a porn channel and are slowly edging into it.”

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