Rufus Wainwright: I’m glad I don’t have more gay fans, gay men have terrible taste in music

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Rufus Wainwright has said that he is glad that he doesn’t have a large gay fanbase.

The singer-songwriter, who has a two-year-old daughter with husband Jörn Weisbrodt, made the comments in an interview with the Times.

He admitted he feels fortunate to not have a large gay fan base, because “gay men have terrible taste in music”.

However, he added: “I try to write more pop stuff now than I did when I was younger. I have become really interested in what makes a pop song tick”

He said of coming out: “If I had been somewhat more strategic and less honest and gone with an asexual or bisexual persona, I think I would have been given a lot more opportunity and attention.”

In the interview he also revealed he is glad that he has a daughter and not a son, as he would worry about finding his son attractive.

He said: “I don’t think it would happen… [it’s just that] when I’m old and he is 35 and gorgeous… well, he would probably look like me!

“And I would be like, ‘Oh my God! I’m falling in love with myself!'”

Three years ago the singer claimed there would be a “very manly” tone to his new album, because he was tired of putting on “a lavish spectacle”.

He said: “It’s kind of a very manly record, I think, which I think is cool. I’ve certainly made enough gay records.”

In 2010, he said he “knew” American rapper 50 Cent was gay, adding: “It’s okay, 50 Cent. Feel free to call me anytime. My boyfriend and I are experts. You can come over for dinner. And maybe dessert.”

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