Watch: Sydney Convicts win gay rugby world cup

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The Sydney Convicts have stormed to victory in the Bingham cup.

The cup – named after rugby star Mark Bingham, who died onboard a plane during the 9/11 attacks – is an inclusive gay rugby tournament, often known as the gay rugby world cup, held every two years.

24 teams from 15 countries around the world competed in the tournament, with thousands of spectators, including US Ambassador John Berry.

Following the week-long tournament, the Convicts picked up their fourth victory, smashing the Brisbane Hustlers 31-0 in the final match. Watch: Sydney Convicts win gay rugby world cup

Mr Bingham’s mother, Alice Hoagland, travel to the event, hosted in Sydney for the first time.

She said: “It’s such an honour for me to be considered the mother of this great big group. I lost my son on 9/11, but I gained a couple thousand sons.”

The Convicts had last won tehe cup in 2012, bringing home the title from the event, which was hosted in Manchester.

The squad – who are Australia’s oldest gay rugby team – recently made history by winning their first professional match, thrashing Macquarie University 30-12 last month.

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