Equalities minister Nicky Morgan now thinks its ‘great’ gay couples can marry

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Despite voting against legislation for same-sex marriage, Minister for Women and Equalities Nicky Morgan, has now said she thinks it is “great”, that gay couples can now wed in England and Wales.

Mrs Morgan, also the Education Secretary, caused controversy when she was appointed to her new roles earlier this year, as she voted against the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples Act last year, stating that marriage is “between a man and a woman.”

Now in an interview with the Telegraph, Mrs Morgan celebrates the first same-sex marriages which have taken place since 29 March when the law changed.

She said: “And we have seen the first same-sex marriages take place, which is great.

“It means we have more people in committed relationships, which as a country we should welcome.”

She goes on to address her reasons for voting against the legislation, saying: “Part of it was timing, part of it was the large number of constituents with concerns. And my own personal faith.”

When asked whether she considers same-sex couples married since March, as lawfully wed, she said: “Of course they are married. Because that is the legislation.”

On whether God would consider the couples married, she said: “I am not the Archbishop of Canterbury, so I will leave the theological questions. My role as equalities minister is to deliver on the legislation that was passed by Parliament.” As Education Secretary, she also deals with matters of faith, but the faith that is most prominent in her in-tray is Islam. Her first major Commons statement was about the Trojan Horse plot to promote extremism in Birmingham schools.”

Many questioned her appointment as Minister for Women and Equalities, as Ms Morgan, elected to Parliament in 2010, voted against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act at second and third reading last year, stating that “marriage is between a man and a woman.”

Junior Conservative minister Nick Boles was also given specific responsibilities for same-sex marriage, as part of the reshuffle in which Mrs Morgan was promoted.

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