Perez Hilton ‘truly sorry’ for publishing naked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence

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Gossip blogger Perez Hilton has apologised after posting naked pictures of Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence on his website.

Hilton, who runs, initially posted the uncensored photos of Jennifer Lawrence and actress Victoria Justice, before taking them down, replacing them with censored versions.

Later, the censored images were removed from the site.

Tweeting, Hilton said: “No, I haven’t been forced to do so or been contacted by their reps, but I am removing those uncensored photos of JLaw and Victoria Justice.

“I acted in haste just to get the post up and didn’t really think things through. I’m sorry.

“At work we often have to make quick decisions. I made a really bad one today and then made it worse. I feel awful and am truly sorry.

“Upon further reflection and just sitting with my actions, I don’t feel comfortable even keeping the censored photos up. I am removing them.”

Representatives for Jennifer Lawrence have issued a statement on the leaker photos, saying: “This is a flagrant violation of privacy.

“The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.”

Hilton later posted a video saying he was looking at how he could do more to make up for posting the images.

The FBI is looking into allegations that the photos were stolen and posted online.

Apple has not yet responded to claims that the photos were leaked after its cloud-sharing platform iCloud was allegedly hacked.

This is not the first time has been amid controversy for posting private photos, Hilton was previously criticised after publishing sex photos of Tom Daley’s now boyfriend Dustin Lance Black, the screenwriter of the film ‘Milk’.

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