Anti-gay rights Labour MP Jim Dobbin dies on trip

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Jim Dobbin, a Labour MP who was opposed to gay rights, has died on a Parliamentary trip.

The former microbiologist, 73, was on a Council of Europe trip to Poland when he died.

Mr Dobbin, who entered Parliament in 1997, was one of 14 Labour MPs to vote against same-sex marriage last year.

During his time as an MP he also voted against or abstained on civil partnerships, the Equality Act, the repeal of Section 28, and adoption rights for same-sex couples.

He said of same-sex marriage last year: “I think MPs who voted for this change will rue the day they did so.

“It is going to have far-reaching ramifications right across British society.

“For example, what sort of effect will this have on generations of children who will now have to be taught that men can marry men as well as women at a young age?

“A lot of MPs who voted for this did so on a mistaken idea of equality. I am all in favour of equality, but this bill mistook uniformity to mean equality.”

The circumstances of his death have not been revealed.

Labour leader Ed Miliband said: “Jim’s death is a sad day for parliament. He was a dedicated public servant, representing the people of Rochdale on the council and at Westminster for three decades.

“A lifelong committed Catholic, Jim always took a lead in fostering links between the Church and the Labour Party, and his strong faith informed every aspect of his political and public life.”

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