PinkNews Poll: 54% of the Scottish LGBT community will vote for independence

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A poll of more than two thousand Scottish LGBT people by PinkNews has found that 54% intend to vote yes in the Scottish independence referendum on Thursday.

2,163 Scottish readers took part in the poll conducted on the PinkNews website on Friday and Saturday. 54% said that they intended to vote yes, 44% said that they would be voting no while 2% said that they were still undecided.

Among 1,204 non-Scottish readers of PinkNews, 87% said that they opposed independence, 5% supported it, while 8% were unsure.

Asked how they would vote if there was an election tomorrow, 35% of Scottish LGBT people said that they would vote SNP, 26% Labour, 10% Green, 9% Liberal Democrats, 7% Conservative, 5% Scottish Socialist Party while 8% were unsure.

56% of Scottish Labour voters said that they will vote for independence.

Over the past weeks, the Yes and Better Together campaigns have both highlighted how LGBT equality could be benefit or suffer from a vote for independence.

PinkNews Editor Joseph Patrick McCormick said: “It has been interesting how keenly and passionately fought the battle around independence has been. It has been one which has considerably spilled over into the LGBT arena. We’ve been continually receiving statements and columns from both sides which have passionately sought to convey that LGBT people will be better off with the outcome they are seeking.”

“The battle for the gay vote indicates possibly, just how close the vote for independence will be.”

Last week, PinkNews published documents from each of the major Scottish parties detailing how they believe gay rights could change under independence or remaining part of the UK, but with increased powers for the Scottish Parliament.

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